
Get to Know Your Farts 6

The GNL Fart(Gambled 'n' lost):
You take a gamble that it's going to be a fart and stay where you are, but realize tragically that this is much more than a fart.

A doubtful fart in most cases, as it is supposed to be identified by odor alone and to occur, for instance, in an empty house. You enter and smell a fart, yet no one is there. People will insist that only a fart could have that odor, but some believe it is just something that smells like a fart.

The Growling Fart:
Happens deep within the rectum (and therefore has no smell). Somehow never meets the light of day. Tends to growl like a dog at the vets.

The Gunshot Fart:
Gunshot farts sound just like a gunshot. They are exceedingly rare. In fact they are so rare that most people don't know they even exist. One report says: "I have only witnessed one gunshot fart myself, my own, and almost scared the poop out of my girlfriend who was lying asleep beside me at the time. She thought it was a gunshot, and it was so named. A few others have referred to these rare beasts, thus proving they exist.

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