Well let's just get these out of the way first. I'm going to say pretty much every style that was going on in the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. I was a fashion victim of the 80s and 90s, but it's not my fault. They only sold tacky clothes back then.
10. Pink shirts on dudes. (No you don't look good in that. No you are not pulling that pink shirt off........dude. If you are gay, then congrats. We get the message. Welcome to the other side of the closet.)
9. Skinny jeans on dudes. (Again. Do we even have to say it? Yes, I know you're trying to bring back the 80s by wearing those dark colored jeans, but um.... those jeans were worn by chicks back then. Not dudes. Don't your balls hurt?)
8. Vertical blind sunglasses. (You know the kind that Kanye West wears. Fashion tip: If Kanye West is wearing it then it's a good sign you should not ever wear it. Come on. The dude had a fro-mullet. Fro is bad, mullet is bad, and you put the 2 together and you have a mess. Not to mention all the jerry curl juice you're going to get on your lame vertical shade sunglasses. You know it's going to drip between one of those slits and get in your eye. Then you won't be able to see. Then how are you going to drive to the club to show everyone your new skinny jeans?)
I probably should have called this the Top Ten Worst Dude Fashion Trends. Anway moving on.
7. Gladiator sandals. (I'm not sure which one of the Olsen Girls it is. Ashley or Kate, but you know the crazy one that always looks like she just came off a month long drug binge. Yeah, that one. Don't ever wear anything she wears. This chick wore these frikin things one day, and the next thing you know everyone is wearing them. Gladiator sandals belong on gladiators, and since it's the freakin year 2011 now, there isn't any gladiators around. Those steroid sucking dudes on that T.V. game show don't count. They're all dudes right?)
6. Saggy Jeans. (I know they've been around since the 90's, but people are still walking around with them. I use to wear my pants like that, but then I realized how stupid I looked. I'm not saying pull your pants way up high, just don't have them hanging below your butt crack. You look like you pooped your pants. And I could add this next one to the list, but it's related. Saggy Jeans, with your boxers pulled up to your armpits. WTF? If you're going to sag your jeans, then sag your underwear too? I'm guessing by wearing your pant so low that you're tyring to tell people that you have how you say, "big bells" down there. I'm guessing that because of that old Salt and Pepper video. Anway. But then you have your boxers pulled up so high and tight you could choke a ring worm to death. I said ring worm, because I couldn't think of anything else.)
5. Visor hats turned sideways. (I'm just going to ask this question. Have you ever met anyone that wore a visor hat sideways or backwards that wasn't a complete douche? Have you?)
To be continued.....
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