
Let's Go Brandon


The Chant that Redpilled the World:

It started back when the DNC through the aging and some would say deteriorating Joe Biden grabbed power. Many felt he was an illegitimate commander and chief, and voting fraud allegations were brought up. 

Massive censorship by social media and defamation of voters that didn't agree with the outcome by the mainstream media did not help. Anyone asking for a recount, an audit, or investigation were kicked off of social media platforms like Twitter or heavily censored.  While the media called them white supremacists and claimed they were trying to steal the election.  

This lead to a mass migration of conservatives, libertarians, centrists and pretty much anyone that didn't agree with the far left ideology or even those that just felt like freedom of speech was being attacked to smaller, but more open social media sites like Rumble.  

It was a way to stick it to left wing controlled media. Something that had been discussed over the four years of President Trump's presidency with the constant censorship of anyone that went against the agenda that was being pushed by the mainstream media and democrat politicians. 

But it changed nothing.  Most people still held onto their other social media accounts. So a "sticking it to the man" moment never really occurred. People had the freedom to state their objections, but the people that were hearing it were the same people shouting it.  

The echo chamber had only become smaller.  And it had become harder and harder to spread the message. Big tech had begun to tighten the reigns tighter and tighter, and patriots needed a way to let their voices be heard in a way that couldn't be censored, but also could reach the audience that their message was intended for. 

What would never be censored?  Their own media. It's like that old saying, "Use your enemy's weapons against them." Turn their propaganda machines on them. Social Media could block opposing views, but live television couldn't. 

It started out small.  Some random person in the background of an interview or report shouting out "F@c# Joe Biden!" Someone wearing a t shirt with an anti left wing slogan at a Joe Biden press event. And before you know it it was crowds of people young and old shouting it in unison at concerts and sporting events being covered by the mainstream news. 

Then it escalated with bad policies of the Biden Harris White House.  Like shutting down the Keystone Pipeline, which took the US from energy independence back to begging the middle east for overpriced oil. Or abandoning US citizens in Afghanistan to be tortured and murdered by the Taliban. 

Or the absolute mess at the southern border with hundreds of thousands of illegals pouring into the country at a time that so many American citizens were struggling after forced business closings that put a large portion of the country out of work way past their budgets. 

As the failures of the Biden regime piled up, the crowds got bigger and bigger. Unfortunately the media had a way to spin this. They told their audiences that white supremacy was growing. So the people's voices were reaching their targeted audiences, but their message was being diluted with propaganda lies.  

There seemed to be no hope in getting the rest of the country to wake up and listen to anything other than what was being spoon fed them everyday by the forces that controlled their every thought. 

Then a miracle happened.

The coverup happened live as a NBC reporter covering a nascar race in which racecar driver Brandon Brown had won.  During her interview with Brandon, the entire racetrack audience began to shout "F@c# Joe Biden!  F@c# Joe Biden!" Over and over and louder and louder until it couldn't be ignored. 

An audience this large shouting a negative slogan towards the occupier of the White House would not look good.  This would go against the media claims that everyone loved the former vice president. So the reporter used her mockingbird media training and went into propaganda mode.  

Then as the crowd shouted a very audible and clear message to the elites about their disgust of the person they had placed over the country, the reporter said "... as you can hear the chants from the crowd.  Let's go Brandon."  A move of desperation that cost the media as anyone with eyes and ears could see the lie that had just taken place before their very eyes.  This wasn't some far right nazi conspiracy channel.  This happened on their own news channel and was carried about by one of their approved and trusted talking heads.  

And thus the chant of "Let's go Brandon!" begin to be shouted at live events along with the classic "F@c# Joe Biden!" The purpose of the chant to cause the people hearing it to wonder what it was all about.  Which would lead them to researching the chant.  Which would uncover the media lie, which would begin their red pill moment. 


And unware of what the message meant, big tech was slow to attack the message.  The message had broken through the fascist algorithms, and begin to pour rapidly into other forms of media.  Like music.  Where the message had made it into songs that were ending up at the top of music charts beating out well known and beloved artists like Adele. 

As the walls of censorship begin to crumble, eyes all over the world are being opened up.  The left wing rioting mobs looking for nazis to punch are getting smaller.  While the maga crowds are only growing larger.  But for now the fascists control the government.  

And they've already proven they don't need us left or right to gain control of the country.  Even as their voting base shrinks to embarrassingly low numbers, new voters cross the border in the hundreds of thousands weekly. So the meme war continues. For freedom.  For independence.  For equality. 

(Let's Go Brandon! and Vamanos Brandon! merchandise available just in time for Christmas. Get one for everyone. Get one for yourself.)

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