
1890s Problems

Educated: Now no chance for a husband

Father owns a silver mine: Gold Standard

Writes the world's first computer program.
No one remembers.

Turned 19 today, too old to marry and have kids.

Comes up with idea that can change modern science:
Is a woman.

Hates Men: Makes 12 babies.

Want a sandwhich: Must make bread first.

Need to poop: Underwear takes three hours to get off.

Want to take a bath, but I have to go fetch the
water and heat it.

Wants to listen to the phonograph:
Lost the crank.

Want to take a bath, but I have to go fetch 
the water and heat it.

I sent a text to my crush, but the pony express 
was ambushed by indians.

Three hours spent lacing my corset:
read invitation- the luncheon is formal.

Kissed boyfriend: Scurvy

Smiled at camera for 15 minutes:
had to sneeze for the last 5 second.

Took Oregon Trail: Died of dysentery.

Horse sick: Can't go to the saloon.

Took a cruise with boyfriend. On Titanic.

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