
Missing: Evolution

What ever happened to evolution? No I don't mean that crap that people claim Darwin said about men coming from monkeys (By the way Darwin never said that. Faux scientists made that up because they're into monkey love.). I mean good old fashioned everyday evolution. You know living organisms evolving to fit their environment.

When I was in middle school ( Back then it was called Junior High. lolz), we learned that living organisms adapt to their changing surroundings, and overcome disabilites caused by certain things by mutating, and then evolving to become a more advanced organism (This is what Darwin actually said, and over time his words were twisted by the phonies.) that was able to survive the new changes.

So what happened? Human beings have been the same way they've been for what now? Thousands of years? All the real bones they've found of anchient humans look exactly the same (not manbearpig). So why haven't we evolved? Clearly the environment has changed. Chemicals in the atomosphere, man made changes and natural changes that have effected our climate and made our environment a harsher one to live in (accordign to some groups of people). So we should be changing to better fit these new problems.

Or is it that we don't need to evolve, because in truth nothing is changing.? Things are the way they've always been. We don't need to change, because we're already suited to fit our environment in any condition that may come along, because things here on Earth just keep repeating, like seasons. Which of course would mean this whole global warming thing is a bunch of bologna (with the plastic ring still on it).

So what is it? Either these changes in our environment that is causing the Earth to heat up from the sun, because our ozone layer has holes in it (also scientifically impossible by the way). Or is it that evolution doesn't exist at all? At least for humans.

This isn't really a debate on evolution. I don't know. No one really knows. I'm just asking... where is it?

The the only reason I ask is because I don't have my freak'n wings yet. Come on already! I have to drive so far to get anywhere, and my legs can't carry me that far. According to the rules of evolution I should be growing a sweet set of wings. And what about moms? Shouldn't they have 8 arms or something?

Oh I know what you're going to say. Because we have the ability to make cars and trains to take us places. No. We only made those things because we didn't grow any freak'n wings. If evolution had been there for us then we wouldn't have to have made those air polluting machines.

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