no ponies allowed |
Let me just state for the record that no ponies will be posted by us ever. This is a Pony/Brony free zone. Pony memes aren't funny, and there is no amount of drugs that would ever make them funny, so no ponies. And while I'm at it no stupid stoner memes. Thank you.
The only places, either on the Internet or (I do not like this next term; it sounds far too much like "cubicle-speak") brick-and-mortar, that I willingly frequent, are those I find to be brony-free zones. Unfortunately, it seems like I am running out of them. The whole "brony" scene seems to me to have had its foundation built on creepily sexualizing a heretofore innocent animated show meant for young girls, and turning it into what looks like the worst kind of fetish. Those who read this must understand that I do not live for the purpose of making the lives of bronies miserable, but as kudzu, because of the way it takes over everything, is not one of my favorite plants, so bronies, with the way some of them "ponify" seemingly everything, are, in a closely related way, cultural litterers, and, for that reason, are not my favorite people to be around. They should take their fetishized ink-and-paint fantasies somewhere other than my field of view.