
You Voted For Him

I don't like to write political posts since so many people have strong opinions about political parties, but the way our country (u.s.) is being run is really getting on my nerves. By the way I consider myself independent. Not the so called "independent party" but actually free of any political party. They all suck.

Once again I am reminded of why I didn't vote for Barak Obama. He doesn't know what the hell he's doing. I tried to give him a chance. I said voting for someone just because they're black is retarded. Especially a black man who would run on the democratic party (hello slavery and segregation). That's just ironically stupid. But once he was elected to office I told myself that maybe he would do a great job. And then I crossed my fingers. I can't imagine what the people who voted for him are thinking right now. You effed up.

Once again Obama tries to bully the government into doing things his way. This guy forgets that he's only president and not a king. If someone doesn't do things his way then he says the republicans are causing trouble. Recent example our nations growing debt, which is quickly inching us closer and closer to a 3rd world country. You laugh now, but wait until you're sneaking into Mexico to find work.

His Royal Highness King "Change" (as in give me all the change in your pocket), announced his proposal for deficit reduction. Okay. It's about time. Tell me more. This plan includes raising taxes on the wealthy, spending cuts to programs like social security, and raising the nations debt limit. What? What? What? Note to self: Never let future kids attend Columbia University. At least not until they fire whoever taught our president.

Why This Idea Sucks

Raising taxes on the wealthy: Democrats always make this move. It's a politically motivated move, but has no effect at all. People that aren't rich go "Yeah get those rich people! This guy is so cool. I'm so glad I voted for him." But then what happens? The companies owned by these rich people start lowering wages, and increasing the price on products to make up for the money they're shelling out to the government. End result: Things just got a lot worse. It's been done before. It didn't work, but people keep wanting it. And all that money that the government will be collecting from the rich... do you really think they're going to share it with the American people. lol. You haven't lived here long enough. You'll figure it out one day.

Spending cuts on programs like social security: This program is already crippled. You're going to kick a handicapped program when it's down? For shame. For shame. Didn't a democrat start this program? I bet none of the self interest programs get cut.

Raising the nation's debt limit: We owe over $14 trillion to countries with less money than us. (I don't even know how that's possible in the first place. Why would the richest most powerful nation borrow money from others?) How will we ever pay it back? Who cares. Raise the spending limit. Dems can't seem to figure out that covering up the problem doesn't make it go away. Just like their stance on America's drug problem. Legalize it. Good idea. Smoke another one. Abortion. Legalize it. Yay! Kill, kill, kill!

In summary (is that how you say it?) if this guy gets into office again you'ld better start making your your resume in espanol.

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